Reputation Marketing
What is Reputation Marketing?
Reputation Marketing (or Review Marketing) allows you to take control of your online feedback, build a five-star online reputation for your business and use social proof to get more business.
It’s based around social proof which is the most effective psychological trigger there is. We humans like to believe we’re independent thinkers but actually we follow the herd. If you have a market stall getting a few people to gather around your stall will draw a crowd because if something is popular we instantly want to be part of the action. Now there’s an easy, low-cost way to harness that power of social proof online.

Reputation Marketing Dashboard
Google has changed the way it displays search engine results. Google local search engine results now show the average review star rating for a business right under the business name along with the total number of reviews for that business. People can then link to and read the reviews before deciding which business to choose.
Think about it. Would you choose a company that has a five-star reputation rather than one with four or fewer stars under its name? Would you choose a company that has hundreds of reviews over one that only three people have ever bothered to review? You’re not alone.
The number of stars under your company name and the number of people who have left recent reviews for your business will directly influence the number of people who click on your name and visit your website. So the more recent rave reviews you have online the more business you’ll get. It’s that simple.

This is how your business should appear in search
That’s why we offer reputation marketing to help our clients get more five star online reviews, minimise bad reviews (it happens), keep track of new reviews, both good and bad, and train staff so they can keep the good reviews coming in and make their businesses stand out like a five star superhero in Google search results.
Sounds good? Then call us now on 0468 422 693 to find out more about review marketing for your business.
Why Reputation Marketing is Vital Right Now
Your reputation and Review Marketing should be a cornerstone for your marketing strategy because all other forms of marketing are worthless if you have a bad online reputation. It’s shocking but true. Newspaper or magazine adverts, TV or radio advertising, search engine optimisation, online advertising or Pay-Per-Click campaigns are a waste of money if you have bad reviews online because everyone who Googles your company will see your bad reviews and look for someone more reputable to do business with. That’s why, if you want your business to succeed, having a good reputation and great online reviews is everything.
Even more amazing is a Nielsen survery which shows that 72% of people trust online reviews more than TV or radio advertising, newspaper editorials or even email newsletter they have subscribed to. That’s why online reviews and reputation marketing will get you more customers and increase your profits.
Online reviews are powerful and set to become even more powerful because of the way Google displays them now right below your business name. But having a few good reviews isn’t enough because the average person will want to read 10 reviews before they make a buying decision, so if you don’t have 10 online reviews they will be considering your competitors. If you do have 10 or more reviews that’s great as long as the reviews are great, because you are only as good as your last review.

Automated Customer Feedback
Now here’s the good news. Because Review Marketing is so new your competitors probably haven’t even heard of it yet. And the sooner you take charge of your online reputation the harder it will be for them to catch up with the hundreds of glowing reviews you can get while they are still clueless about reputation marketing.
Your reputation is everything and we only work with clients who have a five-star reputation. If that sounds like you then call us now to get a proposal.
Who needs Reputation Marketing?
Having a glowing reputation will help in any industry. It’s still early days here in Australia because we always lag behind the United States of America in Internet marketing.
Right now reputation marketing is essential for tourism and travel marketing and most service-based businesses, from lawyers and dentists to hairdressers and pest control businesses, and the first businesses to get started will have an unbeatable advantage in the reputation marketing game.
Do you only want to do business with the best people? Would you like to have only the best experiences?
We all feel that way and that’s why everyone needs review marketing and, if you have any marketing budget at all, your online reputation and review marketing is the first thing you should allocate it to.
Want to get the edge on your competitors and find out more about how to manage your online feedback and sort out your reputation marketing? Contact Rich now to find out more.