Local Search
Having an effective website is vital because 97% of consumers research a product or service online before buying it. So it’s great if you have a website that looks as good as you are but equally important to make sure that potential customers can actually find it so they include you in their buying decisions.
The best way to make boost your visibility is through Google local search optimisation. Let’s look at why this is so important now and what you can do to benefit from it.

We’ve been specialising in digital marketing since 1995 and have seen many changes over that time but the biggest one is how hard it is to rank well in the search engines now.
But recent Google changes and Google local search updates could give you the edge on your competitors and get you listed on the first page of search engine results. Yes, really.
Why is Google so Important?
As you probably know Google’s the biggest search engine in the world so ranking well on Google is key to making sure your website is found by people looking for the products or services you’re offering.
59% of consumers use Google every month to look for a local business and 50% of all mobile searches are for local products or services with 61% of these searches leading to a sale.
So improving your Google local search visibility will get you more leads which convert into sales and improve your bottom line.
In the past ranking well on Google was mainly about on-page optimisation (including site content and hidden code) as well as incoming links to your site. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) scams abound and one of them is to improve search engine rankings by creating a lot of incoming links to a website. That worked well until Google cracked down on scams like that and suddenly stopped listing websites that had paid for incoming links.
It was terrible news for many business owners whose site traffic and income plummeted overnight because they didn’t even know their SEO companies were acting unethically.
But it’s great news for people like you and me who want to rank well with the search engines and stay on the right side of Google, because there are now new opportunities to get listed on page one of Google which we haven’t seen for years.
Why is Google Local Search Vital?
Right now what really matters for search engine ranking is your Google My Business listing which recently replaced the old Google Places listing. Google is placing a lot of emphasis on Google Local pages because it’s one area that search engine scammers can’t influence since to set up a Google Local listing you actually have to give Google your physical address and then use the code they send you by post to set up your Google Local page.
That’s right, Google will actually send you a postcard because it’s the only way they can weed out scammers and reward real business owners like you who do the right things to optimise their website and Local listing.
Because Google My Business listings are so important we’ve been spending a lot of time learning about them and testing them and we now know the exact steps and strategies that will make sure your site is seen so that it gets more traffic which you can then convert into paying customers.
It’s an exciting development which we’d like to offer that to you as part of our new Google Local service.
Introducing Our Google Local Service Overview
There is more to Google Local than just registering your page and linking it to your site. Our service includes:
- Creating an optimised Google+ page or optimising your existing page.
- Setting up (if needed) and optimising your page to add you to Google Maps.
- Identifying third-party citation sites that are respected by Google and relevant to your industry.
- Create and optimising third-party citation listings for you which should improve your Google ranking.
- Optimising your website to reflect the recent changes in Google algorithms.
- Priceless advice on how you can easily continue to improve your Google ranking and stay ahead of your competitors.
Contact us now to book your Google Local Search Service if you’d like to:
- Get your Google Local listing and optimisation taken care of by a professional you trust;
- Make sure you have a strong digital strategy in place so that 2021 is your best business year ever;
- Get your Noosa SEO sorted out;
- And make the best marketing investment in your business you’ve ever made.
- We’re looking forward to working with you more and taking your digital marketing strategy to the next level.